Professor Ian Ralston

2022: (with G. Lock) Atlas of the Hillforts of Britain and Ireland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. xvi + 487 pp.
2022: Review of Fairclough, J. 2021 Iron Age and Roman settlement at Highflyer Farm, Ely, Cambridgeshire. MOLA Northampton / Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology. Current Archaeology 384, March 2022, 56.
2021: (with Romankiewicz, Tanja) Chapter 8 'Revisiting Glenelg: reconstructing brochs in treeless landscapes, 90 years after Alexander O Curle', (Gardening Time conference, Magdalene College Cambridge 2012), in Stoddard, S., Aines, E. and Malone C, Gardening Time. Monuments and landscape from Sardinia, Scotland and Central Europe in the very long Iron Age, 65-74. Cambridge: McDonald Institute Conversations
2021: 'Massive dump ramparts and ditching of Fécamp type in Britain: a review', in Delrieu F., Feliu C., Gruat P., Kurzaj M.-C., Nectoux E. dir., 2021. Les espaces fortifiés à l'âge du Fer en Europe, 77-84. (= Actes du 43e colloque international de l'AFEAF, Le Puy-en-Velay, 30 mai-1er juin 2019. Paris: AFEAF, vol.3
2021: (with M. Fernández-Götz, A. Horváth, T.Lejars, G. Ruiz Zapatero, M. Schönfelder and K. Tankó: translated and edited by D. Vitali) Celti: popolo d’Europa’, Archaeologia viva, no. 208, July/Aug 2021, 46-61.
2020: 'Bourges-Avaricum: a western example of a princely complex of c. 500 BC in the heart of France’, in (eds) Fernández-Götz, M. Metzner-Nebelsick, C. and Zamboni, L. Crossing the Alps: early urbanism between northern Italy and central Europe (900-400 BC),361-376. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
2020: (with Lock, G.) 'A new overview of the later prehistoric hillforts of Britain and Ireland', in Delfino, D., Coimbra, F., Cardoso, D. & Cruz, G. (eds) Later prehistoric fortifications in Europe: defensive, symbolic and territorial aspects from the Chalcolithic to the Iron Age, 15-30. (= UISPP Metal Ages in Europe Commission international conference, Sociedade Martins Sarmento, Guimaraes, Portugal, November 2017). Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology.
2020: Review of: Malim, T. & G. Nash (eds) Old Oswestry Hillfort and its Landscape: ancient past, uncertain future. Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology 2020, Current Archaeology 369, Dec 2020, 58.
2020: Review of: Gordon Noble, Nicholas Evans and others The King in the North: the Pictish Realms of Fortríu and Ce. Edinburgh: Birlinn 2019, Current Archaeology 360, 55.
2019: (with Fernández-Götz, M.) 'Rural Residential Places? Rethinking the Fürstensitze – Elites Correlation', in D. Cowley, M. Fernández-Götz, T. Romankiewicz, H., Wendling (eds), Relating Buildings, Landscape, and People in the European Iron Age, 209 - 218. Leiden: Sidestone Press.
2019: (with Murray, Diana M.) 'Professor Roger James Mercer', Proc Soc Antiq Scot 148, 1-12.
2019: 'The Gauls on the eve of the Roman Conquest', in Fitzpatrick, A. P. and Haselgrove, C. C. (eds) Julius Caesar's Battle for Gaul: new archaeological perspectives, 19 - 47. Oxford: Oxbow.
2019: (with G. Lock ed.) Hillforts: Britain, Ireland and the nearer continent. Papers from the Atlas of hillforts of Britain and Ireland Conference, June 2017. Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology.
2019: ‘The hillforts of Britain and Ireland – the background to the Atlas project: an overview of the number of hill- and promontory-fort sites’, in eds Lock, G. and Ralston, I. Hillforts: Britain, Ireland and the nearer continent. Papers from the Atlas of hillforts of Britain and Ireland Conference, June 2017, 9 - 27. Oxford: Archaeopress.
2019: ‘Gordon Childe and the setting up of the Scottish Regional Group of the CBA’, Archaeology Scotland 35, summer 2019, 10-13.
2019: Contributions (Levroux, Meunet-Planches, Bourges, mont Beuvray) in Gruel, Katherine and Buchsenschutz, O. (dir.) Réinventer les Celtes. Paris: Hermann (AOROC / CNRS / PSL)
2019: (with Lock, G.) ‘Mapping British and Irish hillforts’, in eds Ray, Celeste & Fernandez-Götz, M. Historical Ecologies, Heterarchies and Transtemporal Landscapes, 139 - 155. Abingdon: Routledge. (= Festschrift for Professor Carole Crumley).
2019: ‘Going back in time: re-assessment of the timber halls at Doon Hill, Dunbar’, Transactions of the East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Naturalists Society 32, 4 - 27.
2019: (with Breeze, D. J. and Marshall, Rosalind) 2019 ‘Marguerite Wood and Margaret Simpson, two pioneering Scottish women’, Scottish Archaeological Journal 41, 108 - 118.
2019: (with Breeze, David J.) ‘Professor Roger Mercer’, The Times 14th March 2019.
2019: ‘Neolithic history of Doon Hill’, East Lothian Life 107, 40 - 41.
2019: (with Fernandez-Gôtz, M.) ‘Obituary – Roger J. Mercer (1944-2018)’, The European Archaeologist 59, 41.
2019: (with Murray, Diana M.) ‘Professor Roger James Mercer’, The Archaeologist 107 (summer 2019), 23.
2019: (with Rodriguez del Cueto, F. and Lock, G.) Guide to the hillforts of Western Asturias. Oxford: Hillfort Study Group. 47 pp.
2018: ‘Not Angles but first farmers: revisiting the timber halls at Doon Hill, East Lothian,’ Current Archaeology 343, 44 - 46.
2018: (with Dugmore, A. J.) ‘Human traces’, in eds Kempe, N. and Wrightham, M. Hostile Habitats: Scotland’s Mountain Environment 234 - 257. Leicester: Scottish Mountaineering Trust. 2 revised and expanded edn.
2018: ‘Reflections on the presentation of Scottish archaeology in British prehistories since Gordon Childe’s Prehistoric Communities (1940)’, in eds Campbell, L., Wright, D. and Hall, N. A. Roots of nationhood: the archaeology and history of Scotland, 9 - 26. Oxford: Archaeopress Archaeology.
2018: (with Breeze, D. J.) ‘Professor Roger James Mercer’, Royal Society of Edinburgh online obituaries
2018: (with Breeze, D. J.) ‘Professor Roger Mercer’ (obituary) The Scotsman, 24th December.
2018: (with Breeze, D. J. and Marshall, Rosalind) ‘Marguerite Wood and Margaret Simpson’, Current Archaeology 341, 62 - 63.
2018: Doon Hill: East Lothian – Statement of Significance. Report submitted to Historic Environment Scotland.
2018: Review of: Cavers, G. and Crone, A. A Lake Dwelling in its landscape: Iron Age Settlement at Cults Loch, Castle Kennedy, Dumfries & Galloway. Oxford & Philadelphia: Oxbow Books. viii+288 pp. ISBN: 9781785703737 £36.00 Antiquity 92, 1688 - 1689. doi:10.15184/aqy.2018.244.
2017: {with Fernández-Götz, M.} ‘The Complexity and Fragility of Early Iron Age Urbanism in west-central Temperate Europe’, Journal of World Prehistory 30, 259 - 279.
2017: {with Lock, G.) ‘Mapping hillforts in Britain and Ireland’, British Archaeology 157, Nov-Dec 2017, 46 - 51.
2017: ‘Oppida in Caesar’s Gallic War’, in eds Raaflaub, K. & Strassler, R., The Landmark Caesar’s Gallic Wars. New York: Pantheon Books. Web Essays, 44 - 47.
2017: {with Lock, G} Atlas of Hillforts of Britain and Ireland. [ONLINE] Available at:
2017: Review of: Dodgshon, R. A.. No Stone Unturned: a History of Farming, Landscape and Environment in the Scottish Highlands and Islands. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2015. Pp 299. ISBN 978 1 4744 0074 9. $US 135.00. International Review of Scottish Studies 42, 102 - 104 (Guelph, Canada).
2016: (with Brophy, K. and MacGregor, G. eds) The Neolithic of Mainland Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. 322 pp.
2016: ‘Gordon Barclay: a career in the Scottish Neolithic’, in eds Brophy, K., MacGregor, G. and Ralston, I. The Neolithic of Mainland Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 3 - 20.
2016: (with Brophy, K.. and MacGregor, G.).’Foreword: ‘The prehistory of my own lands, the lowlands’, in eds Brophy, K., MacGregor, G. and Ralston, I. The Neolithic of Mainland Scotland, Edinburgh, Edinburgh University Press, xv - xvii.
2016: (with Cowie, Trevor) ‘Obituary: Alan Saville (1946 – 2016)’ Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 145, 2015 (2016), 1 - 12.
2016: (with Cowie, Trevor) ‘Tribute: Alan Saville (31.12.1946 – 19.6.2016)’, The European Archaeologist, nov 2016.
2015: (with F. J. Hunter, ed.) Scotland in later prehistoric Europe. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland. 301 pp.
2015: ‘Chapter 11: The hillforts and enclosed settlements of Scotland: an overview’, in eds Hunter, F. J. and Ralston, I. Scotland in later prehistoric Europe, 201 - 210. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
2015: (with Cooper, M. A.) ‘National Legislation, Policy and Government Agencies’, in eds Everill, P. and Irving, P. Rescue Archaeology: foundations for the future, 4 - 18. Herefordshire: RESCUE, the British Archaeological Trust, 40th Anniversary volume.
2014: (with Khorasani, S., Panagiotakopulu, E., and Engelmark, R.) ‘Late Holocene beetle assemblages and environmental change in Gammelhemmet, northern Sweden’. Boreas 44(2), 368 - 382. 10.1111/bor.12106. ISSN 0300-9483.
2014: (with Buchsenschutz, O.) ‘Nouvelles remarques sur les muri gallici’, in Bullinger, J., Crotti, P. and Huguenin, C. (dir.) De l’âge du Fer à l’usage du verre, Mélanges offerts à Gilbert Kaenel dit "Auguste", à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire, 171 - 178. Lausanne: Cahiers d’archéologie romande, 151.
2014: ‘Appreciation: Professor Magdalena Midgley’, Antiquity online
2014 (with Halliday, S) ‘Your hillfort needs you’, History Scotland 14:1, 14.
2013: Celtic fortifications. Stroud: History Press. 224 pp. rev’d edn of 2006.
2013 : (with S. Krausz, A. Colin, K. Gruel and T. Dechezleprêtre, dir) L’Age du Fer en Europe: mélanges offerts à Olivier Buchsenschutz. Bordeaux: AUSONIUS Editions Mémoires 32. 688pp.
2013: (with Halliday, S.) ‘Major forts and ‘minor oppida’ in Scotland: a reconsideration’, in Krausz, S. Colin, A., Gruel, K., Ralston, I. and Dechezleprêtre, T. (dir) L’Age du Fer en Europe: mélanges offerts à Olivier Buchsenschutz, 219 - 234. Bordeaux: AUSONIUS Editions Mémoires 32.
2013: (with Augier, L., Rolland, X. and Troadec, J.) ‘Modélisation de la topographie de Bourges aux âges du Fer’, in Krausz, S. Colin, A., Gruel, K., Ralston, I. and Dechezleprêtre, T. (dir) L’Age du Fer en Europe: mélanges offerts à Olivier Buchsenschutz, 181 - 196. Bordeaux: AUSONIUS Editions Mémoires 32.
2012: (with L. Augier, O. Buchsenschutz, R. Durand, A. Filippini, D. Germinet, M. Levéry, P. Maçon, B. Pescher, M. Salin and J. Troadec) Un complexe princier de l’âge du Fer : le quartier artisanal de Port Sec sud à Bourges (Cher). Vol 1 – analyse des structures et du mobilier ; Vol 2 – description des structures. Tours/Bourges: Revue Archéologique Centre France Suppl. 41 = Bituriga, Monographie 2012–1. 232 + 454 pp.
2012: ‘A Celtic Iron Age in Scotland? Where are we now?’, Interpretierte Eisenzeiten – Fallstudien, Methoden, Theorie: 4 Linzer Gespräche zur interpretativen Eisenzeitarchäologie = Studien zur Kulturgeschichtevon Oberösterreich 31, 185 - 194.
2012: {with Buchsenschutz, O.} ‘Urbanisation et aristocratie celtiques’, in eds Sievers, S. and Schönfelder, M., Die Frage der Protourbanisation in der Eisenzeit / La question de la proto-urbanisation à l’âge du Fer, 347 - 364. Bonn: Rudolf Habelt. (Kolloquium zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte, Römisch-Germanische Kommission, Frankfurt a. M., 16 = Akten des 34. Internationalen Kolloqiuiums der AFEAF vom 13-16 Mai 2010 in Aschaffenburg).
2012 (in Reid, K with mult. al.) Treasure Trove: the Treasure Trove system in Scotland in wider context – saving the ecofacts as well as the artefacts from Scotland’s past. Royal Society of Edinburgh Advice Paper 12-13. 8pp.
2012: Various articles with either Fraser Hunter or Olivier Buchsenschutz in eds Sievers, S., Urban, O. and Ramsl, P., Lexikon zur keltischen Archäologie = Vienna: Mitteilungen der Prähistorischen Kommission 73. Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
2 vols. ISBN 978-3-7001-6765-5.
2012 ‘Report by the Chair of SAFAP’, Treasure Trove in Scotland. Annual Report by the Queen’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer 2010/2011, 2-5.
2011: (with Buchsenschutz, Olivier and assisted by Bouchet, M., Braeckman, J., Cépas, L., Dabas, M., Dieudonné-Glad, N., Gruel, K., Legoff, E. and Portalès, Y.,
Meunet-Planches (Indre) :« Camp romain » de Corny. Paris: UMR 8546 CNRS ENS AOROC / Université d’Edimbourg / ARCHEA. Typescript report.
2011: (with Jones, Rebecca) ‘Artefacts and sites: a long and problematic relationship’, Scottish Archaeological Journal 32.1, 2010 (2011), 1-13.
2011 (with Pope, Rachel) ‘Approaching sex and status in Iron Age Britain with reference to the nearer continent’, in eds Moore, T. and Armada, L. Atlantic Europe in the First millennium BC: crossing the divide, 375 - 414. Oxford: Oxford University Press.
2011: ‘Artefacts’, Archaeology Scotland 12, Winter 2011, 3.
2011: ‘Report by the Chair of SAFAP’, Treasure Trove in Scotland. Annual Report by the Queen’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer 2009/2010, 4-7.
2011: {edited with Jones, Rebecca) ‘Guest editorial’, pp. vii-viii and editing RCAHMS / RSE workshop papers Scottish Archaeological Journal, 32.1, 2010 (2011).
2010: ‘Fragile States in Mid-first Millennium B.C. Temperate Western Europe? The View from Bourges’, Social Evolution & History 9.2, 135 - 159.
2010: (with Buchsenschutz, O.) ‘Die Stellung der Fürstenanlage von Bourges (Cher) innerhalb der regionalen Eisenzeit im Lichte der jüngsten Grabungen in Port Sec’, in Krausse, D. (herausgegeben von) Fürstensitze und Zentralorte der frühen Kelten: Abschlusskolloquium des DFG-Schwerpunktprogramms 1171 in Stuttgart, Teil 1, 403 - 414. Stuttgart: Konrad Theiss (= Forschungen und Berichte zur Vor- und Frühgeschichte in Baden-Württemberg, 120). 2 vols.
2010: (with Halliday, S.) ‘How many hillforts are there in Scotland?’ in eds Cooney, G., Coles, J., Ryan, M., Sievers, S. and Becker, K. 2009 Relics of old decency: Archaeological studies in later prehistory. Festschrift in honour of Barry Raftery, 455 - 467. Dublin: Wordwell.
2010: (with Buchsenschutz, O. & Krausz, S.) ‘Architecture et chronologie des remparts celtiques du Berry et du Limousin’, in Fichtl, S. (dir.). Murus celticus, architectures et fonctions des remparts de l’âge du fer = Actes de la table ronde tenue au Centre archéologique européen de Bibracte à Glux-en-Glenne, 11-12 oct 2006, 297 - 314. Glux-en-Glenne: Bibracte 19.
2010: ‘Scottish archaeology: the state of the nation. What’s happened since the late seventies?’, in ed. Anon, A Lad o’ Pairts, 34 - 37. Aberdeen: Aberdeenshire Council.
2010: ‘Obituary: Ian Alexander George Shepherd 22 March 1951 – 15 May 2009’, Proc Soc Antiq Scot 139, 1 - 8.
2010: (with Campbell, S.) ‘Scottish archaeological assemblages and museums: a matter for concern’, Newsletter, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 22.1, 4 - 5; also in Archaeology Scotland, issue 9, winter 2010, 10; also a version in The Archaeologist 78, winter 2010, 8 - 9.
2010: Review of: Sharples, N. Social relations in later prehistory: Wessex in the first millennium BC. xiv+380 pages, 86 illustrations, 5 tables. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2010). Antiquity 84, 1208 - 1209.
2010: Review of: Harding, D. W. The Iron Age round-house: later prehistoric building in Britain and beyond. xii+346 pages, 66 illustrations. Oxford: Oxford University Press (2009). Antiquity 84, 901 - 902.
2010: ‘In search of druids’ = Review of: Aldhouse-Green, M. Caesar’s Druids New Haven: Yale University Press (2010). BBC History Magazine 11.8 (August), 76.
2009: (as co-editor, with J. R. Hunter) The Archaeology of Britain: an introduction from Earliest Times to the Twenty-First Century. Abingdon: Routledge. 454 pp. 2 edn.
2009: ‘Gordon Childe and Scottish archaeology: the Edinburgh Years 1927-1946’, European Journal of Archaeology 12 (1-3), 47 - 90.
2009: (with Buchsenschutz, O., Augier L., Filippini, A., Pescher, B. and Surgent, M.) Bourges Département du Cher Région Centre Port Sec Sud, ZAC Esprit 2 Rapport d'opération de fouille préventive. Quatrième tranche 2008. Site n° 18 033 536 AH Arrêté de prescription de fouille archéologique n°08/0293. Paris / Bourges. 2 vols. 303 pp.
2009: (with Hunter, J. R.) ‘British archaeology since the end of the Second World War’, in eds Hunter, J. and Ralston, I. The Archaeology of Britain: an introduction from Earliest Times to the Twenty-First Century, 1 - 17.
2009: (with Krausz, S.) ‘Le siège d’Avaricum en 52 avant J.-C. ou comment les Gaulois se sont-ils défendus contre les Romains’, in eds Buchsenschutz, O., Chardenoux, M.-B., Krausz, S. and Vaginay, M. L’âge du Fer dans le boucle de la Loire / Les Gaulois sont dans la ville, 145 - 156. Paris/Tours. (= XXXII Colloque Assoc franç Et Ages Fer (Bourges 2008); = Rev archéol Centre Fr Suppl 35).
2009: ‘The Celts’, in ed. Gagarin, M. Oxford Encyclopaedia of Ancient Greece and Rome. New York & Oxford: Oxford University Press. 7 vols.
2009: ‘The Hunterian redisplayed’, Scottish Archaeological Journal, 30 (2008), 205 - 209.
2009: ‘Ian Shepherd: Archaeologist who led the way in Scottish research’, The Independent 13th August 2009, 31.
2009: ‘Report by the Chair of SAFAP’, Treasure Trove in Scotland. Annual Report by the Queen’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer 2008/2009, 6 - 9.
2009: {with Cowie, Trevor} ‘Ian Alexander George Shepherd 1951-2009’, PAST 62 (July 2009), 12 - 13.
2009: ‘Ian Alexander George Shepherd MIfA 118 1951-2009’, The Archaeologist 72 (summer 2009), 56.
2009: ‘Obituary – Ian Shepherd’, Scottish Archaeological News, issue 5, 12.
2009: ‘Ian Shepherd Archaeologist 1951-2009 (obituary),’ The Scotsman 2 June 2009.
2009: ‘Ian Shepherd 1951-2009 (obituary)’, Society of Antiquaries of London online {}
2009 (with Gilmour, S.): ‘Archaeology and historic environment in Scotland: some acronyms of the moment’, Newsletter, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 21.1, 4 - 5.
2009: Review of: Jones, A. (ed.). Prehistoric Europe: theory and practice (Blackwell Studies in Global Archaeology 12). xvi+378 pages, 93 illustrations, 2 tables. 2008. Chichester: Wiley-Blackwell. Antiquity 83, 864 - 865.
2009: Review of Pollard, J. Prehistoric Britain. Oxford: Blackwell 2007 xiv+367pp. Journal of the Royal Anthropological Institute NS 15, 415 - 416.
2008: (with Dunwell, A. J.) Archaeology and Early History of Angus. Stroud: Tempus Publishing. 192 pp.
2008: (with Dunwell, A. J.) The management of cropmark archaeology in lowland Scotland: a case study from the Lunan Valley, Angus. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland Inspectorate Research Report. 88 pp + loose-leaf maps.
2008: (with Augier, L. and Buchsenschutz, O. dir.) Un complexe princier de l’âge du Fer, L’habitat du promontoire de Bourges (Cher) (VIe-IVe s avant J.-C.) Tours/Bourges: Revue Archéologique Centre France Suppl 32 = Bituriga, Monographie 2007–3 (2008). 200 pp.
2008: ‘Bourges avant Avaricum’, Les dossiers d’Archéologie 329, 70 - 75.
2008: (with Buchsenschutz, O., Augier L. Durand, R., Filippini, A., Maçon, P., Pescher, B. Salin, M. & Surgent, M.) Bourges – Port Sec Sud, ZAC Esprit 2. Rapport d'opération de fouille préventive Troisième tranche 2007, Site n° 18 033 536 AH Arrêté de prescription de fouille archéologique n°07/0321. Paris / Bourges. 2 vols. 310 pp.
2008: (with Buchsenschutz, O. E. et mult al.) ‘La fouille de Port-Sec sud à Bourges – un sauvetage programmé’, Les dossiers d’Archéologie 326, 10 - 15.
2008: ‘Postface’ (and English language resume) in Milcent, P.-Y. 2008 Bourges-Avaricum: un centre proto-urbain celtique du Ve siècle av. J.-C. Les fouilles du quartier Saint-Martin-des-Champs et les découvertes des Etablissements militaires. Bourges, 298 – 302 and 332 - 335. Bituriga Monogr 2007-1 (2008).
2008: (with Saville, A.; introduction by McFadyen, N.) Treasure Trove in Scotland; a code of practice. Edinburgh: compiled on behalf of the Scottish Ministers and the Crown Office. iii+48pp.
2008: ‘Report by the Chair of SAFAP’, Treasure Trove in Scotland. Annual Report by the Queen’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer 2007/2008, 3 - 5.
2008: (with Augier L., Buchsenschutz, O., Durand R., Maçon, P., Pescher, B. and. Salin M. ‘Le site protohistorique de Port Sec sud à Bourges (Cher), campagne 2007’, Bulletin - Association française pour l'étude de l'Âge du Fer 26, 9 - 10.
2008: Review of: Henderson, J. The Atlantic Iron Age: settlement and identity in the first millennium BC. Abingdon: Routledge 2007, xiv + 370 pp. Antiquity 82, 806 - 807.
2008: Review of: eds Brophy, K. and Cowley, D. 2005 From the air: understanding aerial archaeology. Stroud, Gloucestershire: Tempus ‘Revealing history’ series. 190pp, 82 illus, index. Scottish Archaeological Journal 28.2, 2006 (2008), 159 - 160.
2007: (with Buchsenschutz, O. E. et mult al.) Des vestiges protohistoriques à Port Sec Sud, Bourges, Cher. Paris: CNRS/UMR 8546, Ville de Bourges, Edinburgh University. 2 vols.
2007: (with Buchsenschutz, O. E.) ‘Dépôts et fortifications à l’âge du Fer’, in eds Barral, P., Daubigney, A., Dunning, C., Kaenel, G., and Roulière-Lambert, M.-J. 2007 L’âge du Fer dans l’arc jurassien et ses marges. Dépôts, lieux sacrés et territorialité à l’âge du Fer, 745 - 764. Besançon: Presses universitaires de Franche-Comté. (= Actes XXIX Coll. Internat. de l’Association française pour l’Étude de l’Age du Fer).
2007: ‘Celtic fortifications in the British Isles’, in eds Berrocal-Rangel, L. and Moret, P. Paisajes fortificados de la Edad del Hierro Peninsular: las murallas protohistóricas de la Meseta y la vertiente Atlántica en su contexto europeo, 113 - 134. Madrid: Real Academia de la Historia / Casa de Velázquez. (= Bibliotheca Archaeologica Hispana 28).
2007: ‘Bourges and the earlier Iron Age: an interim view’, in eds de Jersey, P., Gosden, C., Hamerow, H. and Lock, G. Communities and connections, 217 - 239. Oxford: Oxford University Press. (Festschrift for Professor Barry Cunliffe)
2007: ‘The Caterthuns and the hillforts of North-East Scotland’, in Dunwell, A. and Strachan, R. Excavations at Brown Caterthun and White Caterthun hillforts, Angus 1995-1997, 8 - 12. Perth: Tayside and Fife Archaeological Monograph 5.
2007: {with Ashmore, P. J.} ‘The character of earlier Iron Age societies in Scotland,’ in eds Haselgrove, C. C. and Pope, R. The earlier Iron Age in Britain and the nearer continent, 229 - 247. Oxford: Oxbow.
2007: ‘Report of the Chair of SAFAP’, Treasure Trove in Scotland. Annual Report by the Queen’s and Lord Treasurer’s Remembrancer 2006/2007, 4 - 6.
2007: (as part of review group, chaired by Darvill, T): Subject benchmark statement: archaeology. Gloucester: Quality Assurance Agency for Higher Education. 2 edn.
2007: Review of: Wickham-Jones, Caroline 2006 Between the wind and the water: World Heritage Orkney. Macclesfield, Cheshire: Windgather Press. Archaeological Journal 163, (2006), 270.
2006: (as co-editor, with J. R. Hunter) Archaeological Resource Management in the UK: an introduction. Stroud: Sutton Publishing. 2 edn. xiv + 402 pp. (see 1993).
2006: Celtic fortifications. Stroud: Tempus Publishing. 244 pp.
2006: Excavations on behalf of the Burghead Headland Trust within the fort of Burghead, Moray, September 2003: an interim statement. Edinburgh: University Department of Archaeology. (on web at see under projects)
2006: (with Buchsenschutz, O. E. et al.) Port Sec Sud : Rapport de fouille archéologique préventive, Première tranche. Paris: CNRS UMR 8546.
2006: (with Hunter, J. R.) ‘The structure of British archaeology’, in eds Hunter, J. and Ralston, I. Archaeological resource management in the UK: an introduction, 37 - 55. Stroud: Tempus. 2 edn.
2006: (with Dugmore, A. J.) ‘Human traces’, in eds Kempe, N. and Wrightham, M. Hostile Habitats: Scotland’s Mountain Environment, 220 - 239. Leicester: Scottish Mountaineering Trust.
2006: ‘Colvin Greig, archaeologist (obituary)’, The Scotsman, 11th July.
2005: ‘Scottish roundhouses: the early chapters’, Scottish Archaeol Journ 25.1, 2003 (2005), 1 - 26.
2005: (with Pope, R.) ‘La pierre et le bois dans les maisons de Grande-Bretagne’, in Buchsenschutz, O. and Mordant, C. (dir), Architectures protohistoriques en Europe occidentale du Néolithique finale à l‘âge du Fer, 41 - 48. Paris: Editions du Comité des travaux historiques et scientifiques. (= Actes des congrès nationaux des sociétés historiques et scientifiques 127, Nancy April 2002).
2005: (with Johnson, M. and Rees, A.) ‘Excavation of an Early Historic palisaded enclosure at Titwood, Mearnskirk, East Renfrewhire’, Scottish Archaeol Journ 25.2, 2003 (2005), 129 - 145.
2005: Review of: Alcock, L.. Kings and Warriors, Craftsmen and Priests in northern Britain AD 550-850. (= Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph 24). Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 2003. Medieval Archaeology 49, 479 - 480.
2005: ‘Yawning gaps’, Review of: Moffat, A. 2005 Before Scotland. London: Thames and Hudson. British Archaeology 83, July-Aug 2005, 46 - 48.
2004: The Hill-Forts of Pictland since ‘The Problem of the Picts’. Rosemarkie: Groam House Museum Papers. 54pp.
2004: ‘Archaeologists and the possibility of wilderness creation in Scotland’, in eds Carver, E. and Lelong, O., Modern Views - Ancient Lands: new work and thought on cultural landscapes. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports British Series 377, 81 - 86.
2004 (with a contribution on the poetry by Vincent Megaw): ‘Beyond barbarian Europe: Stuart Piggott 1910-1996: an appreciation’, in eds Shepherd, I. A. G. and Barclay, G. J., Scotland in ancient Europe: the Neolithic and Bronze Age of Scotland, 13 - 27. Edinburgh: Society of Antiquaries of Scotland.
2004: ‘Iron Age Social Organization’, in eds Bogucki, P. and Crabtree, P. Ancient Europe 8000 BC – AD 1000. Encyclopaedia of the Barbarian World. Vol. II Bronze Age to Early Medieval Ages, 191 - 197. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons.
2004: ‘Foreword’ and English language ‘Abstract’ pp. III-IV in Marion, S. Recherches sur l’âge du Fer en Ile-de-France. Oxford: British Archaeological Reports International Series 1231. 2 vols.
2003: (as co-editor, with K. J. Edwards} Scotland after the Ice Age. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press. (revised paperback edition of Edwards and Ralston (eds) 1997). xv + 331pp.
2003: (with Augier, L, Buchsenschutz, O., de Chazelles-Gazal, C.-A., Coubray, S., Deyber, D., Durand, R., Riquet, N., Salin, M., Tams, A., and Troadec, J.) Bourges Hotel-Dieu – Document final de synthèse de fouilles 2001-2003. Bourges: Service archéologique de la Ville de Bourges. December 2003.
2003: {with Augier, L., Buchsenschutz, O. and Troadec, J.} Bourges, Port Sec Sud. Bourges: Service archéologique de la Ville de Bourges. December 2003.
2003: {with Augier, L., Buchsenschutz, O. and Troadec, J., dir} Hôtel-Dieu Sondage 2002 Bourges (Cher) 2eme Rapport intermédiaire. Bourges: Service archéologique de la Ville de Bourges. January 2003.
2003: (with O. E. Buchsenschutz et mult al.) Histoire et archéologie du pays de Levroux, Indre. Levroux: Association pour la Défense et l’Etude du canton de Levroux..
2003: (compiled, with Edwards, K. J} ‘A guide to the literature since 1996’, in eds Edwards, K. J. and Ralston, I. B. M., Scotland since the Ice Age, 311 - 320. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
2003: Review of: Ballin-Smith, B and Banks, I. 2002 In the shadow of the brochs: the Iron Age in Scotland. Stroud: Gloucestershire: Tempus. Antiquity 77, 635 - 636.
2002: (dir. with O. Buchsenschutz) L’occupation de l’âge du Fer dans la vallée de l’Auron à Bourges: installations agricoles, funéraires et cultuelles (Xe – Ier siècle avant J-C). Bourges: Bituriga Monogr 2001-2 = 22 Suppl. Rev archéol Centre Fr. (Tours) 222p.
2002: Contributions in Milcent, P.-Y. (dir) with the collaboration of Augier, L., Berthet, A.-L., Durand, R., Gaultier, M., Lucas, J., Martin, S., Moulherat, C., Ralston, I. and Richard, H. Le tumulus aristocratique des Carrières à Bachon, Lazenay, Bourges, site no 18.033.521AH. Bourges: Service d’archéologie municipal de la ville de Bourges / Université de Toulouse II – Le Mirail / UMR 8546 du CNRS, ENS, Paris / Université d’Edimbourg.
2002: {with Buchsenschutz, O. and Troadec, J., dir} Hôtel-Dieu Sondage 2001 Bourges (Cher) Rapport intermédiaire. Bourges: Service archéologique de la Ville de Bourges. January 2002.
2002: (with Armit I.) ‘Chapter 2: The Coming of Iron, 1000 BC – AD 500’, in ed. Smout, T. C. People and Woods in Scotland, 40 - 59. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press.
2002: ‘Central Gaul at the Roman Conquest: conceptions and misconceptions’, {see 1988} reprinted in eds Carr, G and Stoddart, S. Celts from Antiquity, 97 - 106. Cambridge: Antiquity Papers, 2.
2002: {with Buchsenschutz, O. E. and Schubert, F.} ‘Les fortifications du Mont Beuvray’, in eds Maranski, D. and Guichard, V. Les ages du Fer en Nivernais, Bourbonnais et Berry oriental, 293 - 296. Actes XVII Colloque Association française pour l’Etude de l’Age du Fer (Nevers1993 = Glux-en-Glenne: collection Bibracte 6.
2002: Review of : Reddé, M. and von Schnurbein, S. (dir.) 2001 Alésia: fouilles et recherches franco-allemandes sur les travaux militaires romaines autour du Mont-Auxois (1991-1997) Paris: de Boccard, 2 vols + CD-Rom. Revue des Etudes anciennes 104, 621 - 622.
2001: {with Sabine. K. A. and contributions by Boardman, S. J., Edwards, K. J., Gemmell, A. M. D., Greig, M. K., McKinley, J. I. and Sabine, P. A.} Excavations of Second and First Millennia BC remains on the Sands of Forvie, Slains, Aberdeenshire. = O’Dell Memorial Monograph 28, 2000 (2001). Aberdeen: Dept of Geography and Environment, University of Aberdeen. 185pp.
2001: {with Augier, L. and the collaboration of P.-Y. Milcent and C. Tesnier-Hermetey} Port Sec Nord – Secteur B zone protohistorique, Bourges Cher site no 18.033.529.AH. Bourges: Préfecture de la Région Centre / Direction Régionale des Affaires culturelles / Service Régional de l’Archéologie – Région Centre / Service d’archéologie municipal de la ville de Bourges.
2001: {with Augier, L., Buchsenschutz, O., Froquet, H. and Milcent, P.-Y.} ‘The fifth century BC at Bourges, Berry, France: new discoveries’, Antiquity, 75, 23 - 24.
2001: Contributions in dir. Batardy, C., Buchsenschutz, O. and Dumasy, F. Le Berry antique. Atlas 2000. = 21 Suppl Rev archéol Centre Fr. Tours.
2001: ‘Brian Hope-Taylor, 1923-2001’, Scottish Archaeological News, 36, 3.
2001: ‘Brian Hope-Taylor (obituary)’, The Times, 2nd March.
2001: ‘Brian Hope-Taylor (obituary)’, The Scotsman, 13th February.
2001: ‘Oppida et résidences aristocratiques’, in dir. Buchsenschutz, O E., Projet collectif de recherches L’occupation du sol dans le Berry antique: Rapport 1998 – 2000, 199 - 200. Paris: Ecole normale supérieure.
2000: {with Dunwell, A. and Armit, I.} ‘Excavations and survey at Coats Hill, near Moffat, 1990-1’, Transactions of the Dumfries and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society, 3rd ser, 64, 27 - 46.
2000: ‘Quelques données et hypothèses sur les restes humains des habitats de Grande-Bretagne’, in eds Marion, S. and Blanquaert, G., Les installations agricoles de'Age du Fer en France septentrionale, 313 - 320. Paris: Editions ENS Rue d'Ulm.
2000: ‘Report on a small sample of vitrified stonework from Castelos de Monte Novo’, pp. 143 - 144 in Burgess, C., Gibson, C. and Correia, V. ‘Hillforts, oppida and vitrification in the Évora area, Central Portugal’, in eds Frodsham, P., Topping, P. and Cowley, D. 'We were always chasing time': papers presented to Keith Blood, 129 - 147. = Northern Archaeology 17/18, 1999 (2000).
2000: Review of: eds Shaw, I. and Jameson, R., A Dictionary of Archaeology. (Oxford: Blackwell, 1999. xv + 624 pp.) History 85, 104 - 105.
2000: Review of: Turner, V. Ancient Shetland. (London: B. T. Batsford / Historic Scotland. 1998). Scottish Historical Review 79, 107 - 108.
1999: {dir. with O. E. Büchsenschütz and J.-P. Guillaumet} Les remparts de Bibracte: recherches récentes sur la Porte du Rebout et le tracé des fortifications. Glux-en-Glenne: Collection Bibracte, 3. 316 pp.
1999: {as co-editor, with J. R. Hunter} The archaeology of Britain: an introduction from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Industrial Revolution. London: Routledge, xiv + 328 pp.
1999: {with Strachan, R. and Finlayson, B.} ‘The excavation of Neolithic and later prehistoric structures, and Early Medieval iron-working at Blairhall Burn, Amisfield, Dumfries and Galloway’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 128, 55 - 94.
1999: {with Alexander, D.} ‘Survey work on Turin Hill, Angus’, Tayside and Fife Archaeological Journal 5, 36 - 49.
1999: {with Finlayson, B., Coles, G., and Dunwell, A.} ‘The Angus and South Aberdeenshire field school of the Department of Archaeology, University of Edinburgh - research design’, Tayside and Fife Archaeological Journal 5, 28 - 35.
1999: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E. and Troadec, J.} L'occupation protohistorique du Coteau de Lazenay, à Bourges, (Cher). Document finale de synthèse 1995-1998. Bourges: Service d'archéologie municipale de la ville de Bourges. 2 vols.
1999: ‘The Iron Age: aspects of the human communities and their environments’, Quaternary Proceedings 7, 501 - 512. = eds Edwards, K. J. and Sadler, J. Holocene environments of prehistoric Britain. Chichester: John Wiley.
1999: {with Hunter, J. R.} ‘Chapter 1: British archaeology since the end of the Second World War’, in eds Hunter, J. R. and Ralston, I. B. M. The archaeology of Britain: an introduction from the Upper Palaeolithic to the Industrial Revolution, 1 - 12. London: Routledge.
1999: {with Strachan, R.J., Hamilton, J. E., and Armit, I.} ‘Excavations of two iron processing sites at Scabgill and Boghall, Clydesdale, 1991’, Glasgow Archaeological Journal 21, 53 - 60.
1999: ‘Stop Press! Archaeology after devolution’, Scottish Archaeological News 29, Spring 1999, 16.
1999: ‘From the President’, Council of Scottish Archaeology Annual Report 1999, 3.
1999: Review of: ed. Ritchie, Graham The Archaeology of Argyll. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press 1997. Scottish Archaeological News, 31, 12.
1999: Comment on Parker Pearson, M., ‘Food, sex and death: cosmologies in the British Iron Age with particular reference to East Yorkshire’, Cambridge Archaeological Journal 9, 65 - 66.
1999: Review of Kristiansen, K. Europe before history. Cambridge University Press: 1998. British Archaeology 41, 17.
1998: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E. and Schubert, F.} ‘Les fortifications’, pp. 18 - 21 in eds Gruel, K. and Vitali, D., ‘L’oppidum de Bibracte; un bilan de onze années de recherche (1984 - 1995)’, Gallia 55, 1998, 1 - 140.
1998: {with Murray, D. M.} ‘The excavation of a square-ditched barrow and other cropmarks at Boysack Mills, Inverkeilor, Angus’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 127, 1997 (1998), 359 - 386.
1998: ‘Mont Beuvray and the later Iron Age settlement record of central France’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 127, 1997 (1998), 963 - 964.
1998: ‘National Parks: the cultural dimension’, in ed. Scottish Wildlife and Countryside Link Protecting Scotland’s Finest Landscapes Session II National Parks – the opportunities, 16th March 1998, 8 - 10. Perth: Scottish Wildlife and Countryside Link.
1998: ‘From the President’, Council of Scottish Archaeology Annual Report 1998, 3.
1998: Review of: eds Raftery, B. with Megaw, V. and Rigby, Val Sites and Sights of the Iron Age: essays on fieldwork and museum research presented to Ian Mathieson Stead. Oxford: Oxbow Monograph 56, 1995, viii + 180 pp. Britannia 29, 490 - 491.
1998: Review of: eds Pollard, T. and Morrison, A. The Early Prehistory of Scotland. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press for University of Glasgow = Dalrymple Monograph 3, 1996. Antiquaries Journal, 78, 480 - 481.
1998: Review of : Menez, Y. Une ferme d’Armorique gauloise: Le Boisanne à Plouër-sur-Rance (Côtes d’Armor) = Document d’Archéologie française 58, 1996. Antiquaries Journal 78, 486 - 487.
1998: Review of: eds Díaz-Andreu, M. and Champion, T. Nationalism and archaeology in Europe. London: UCL Press. History 83, 98 - 99.
1997: {as co-editor, with K. J. Edwards} Scotland: environment and archaeology 8000 BC - AD 1000. New York and Chichester: John Wiley and Son. xv + 309 pp.
1997: {with Bruce, Margaret F., Edwards, K. J., Gemmell, A. M. D., Kerr, N. W., Sabine, Kirsty A., Shepherd, I. A. G., Trewin, N. H., Warsop, C. L. M. and Greig, Moira K.} ‘Four short cists from North-East Scotland and Easter Ross’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 126, 1996 (1997), 121 – 155.
1997: ‘The archaeology of the Sands of Forvie and the Ythan valley’, in ed. Gorman, M. L., The Ythan: Festschrift for Professor George M. Dunnet, 20 - 37. Aberdeen: University Department of Zoology.
1997: ‘Pictish homes’, in ed. Henry, D., The worm, the germ and the thorn: Pictish and related studies presented to Isabel Henderson, 18 - 34. Balneaves, Angus: Pinkfoot Press.
1997: {with Edwards, K. J.} ‘Chapter 1: Environment and people in prehistoric and early historical times: preliminary considerations’, in eds Edwards, K. J. and Ralston, I. B. M. Scotland: environment and archaeology 8000 BC - AD 1000, 1 - 10. New York and Chichester: John Wiley and Son.
1997: {with Armit, I.} ‘Chapter 10: The Iron Age’, in eds Edwards, K. J. and Ralston, I. B. M. Scotland: environment and archaeology 8000 BC - AD 1000, 169 - 193. New York and Chichester: John Wiley and Son.
1997: {with Armit, I.} ‘Chapter 12: The Early Historic Period: an archaeological perspective’, in eds Edwards, K. J. and Ralston, I. B. M. Scotland: environment and archaeology 8000 BC - AD 1000, 217 - 239. New York and Chichester: John Wiley and Son.
1997: {with Edwards, K. J.} ‘Chapter 14: Environment and archaeology in Scotland: some observations’, in eds Edwards, K. J. and Ralston, I. B. M. Scotland: environment and archaeology 8000 BC - AD 1000, 255 - 266. New York and Chichester: John Wiley and Son.
1997: {with Tidy, Bill} Everything you always wanted to know about archaeological excavations but were afraid to ask. York: Council for British Archaeology leaflet, 8, 6 pp. [also on CBA pages on Internet]
1997: Review of:Wells, P. S. et mult al., Settlement, Economy and Cultural Change at the End of the European Iron Age: Excavations at Kelheim in Bavaria, 1987 - 1991. {Ann Arbor, Michigan: International Monographs in Prehistory = Archaeological Series, 6. 1993}. Journal of Field Archaeology (Boston, USA), 24, 501 - 505.
1997: Review of: Cunliffe, Barry, Iron Age Britain, London: Batsford/English Heritage. Scottish Archaeological News, 25, 10 – 11.
1997: Review of: Emery, Norman Excavations on Hirta 1986 -90. Edinburgh: HMSO for the National Trust for Scotland (= The Archaeology and Ethnology of St Kilda, 1). Northern Scotland, 17, 175 - 176.
1996: {with Boyer, F. and Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Sondages au sud-ouest de l’oppidum’, pp. 226-232 in Barral, P., Beck, P., Bernal, J., Boyer, F., Büchsenschütz, O., Flouest, J.-L., Laszlovsky, J., Luginbühl, T., Paratte, C.-A., Paunier, D., Quinn, D., Ralston, I. B. M., Szabó, M., Vitali, D., and Wiethold, J., ‘Les fouilles du mont Beuvray, Nièvre - Saône-et-Loire: rapport biennal 1992-1993’, Revue archéologique de l'Est et du Centre-Est, 46, fasc 2, 217 - 293.
1996: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E., Troadec, J., Pradat, B. and Dabas, M.} Opérations archéologiques ZAC du Hameau de Lazenay 18033 - 489 - 3: Chemin de Gionne. Ville de Bourges, Cher, Région Centre. Campagne de fouilles 1996. Rapport intermédiare.. Sauvetage programmé. Paris: Ecole normale supérieure Typescript for Direction régionale des affaires culturelles du Centre de la France. 66 pp.
1996: Contributions, including synthesis in Aitchison., K., Ralston, I., Rieckhoff, S. and Urban, O., ‘Mont Beuvray: 5 La Porte du Rebout’, in Guichard, V. (dir.) Rapport annuel d’activité scientifique 1996 du Centre archéologique européen du mont Beuvray, 46 - 126. (= La Porte du Rebout, Bastion de la Come Chaudron. Région de Bourgogne. Document final de synthèse. Glux-en-Glenne / Edinburgh. Typescript document for Direction des Antiquités historiques de Bourgogne.).
1996: (with Boyer, F. and Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Modalités du phenomène d’urbanisation: fouilles des Grandes Portes et du Verger’, in ed. Flouest, J.-L., Bibracte: Centre archéologique du mont Beuvray, Document final de synthèse, rapport triennal 1993-1995. Glux-en-Glenne: 4 vols. 14 pp, unpaginated.
1996: ‘Recent work on the Iron Age settlement record in Scotland’, in eds Champion, T. C. and Collis, J. R., The Iron Age in Britain and Ireland: recent trends, 133 - 153. Sheffield: Department of Archaeology and Prehistory, University of Sheffield. {= Recent Trends Series, 4}
1996: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} Visit to sites in Haute-Normandie and north-eastern France. Oxford: Hill-fort Study Group. 40pp.
1996: (with Buchsenschutz, O. and Troadec J.) ‘Un habitat de l’Âge du Fer: Le Chemin de Gionne à Bourges’, Bulletin intérieur - Association française pour l’étude de l’Âge du Fer 14, 54.
1996: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E. and Troadec, J.} ‘Cher: Bourges, Lazenay’, Bilan scientifique de la Région Centre 1995, 23 - 25. Paris: Ministère de la Culture et de la Francophonie, Sous-direction de l’Archéologie.
1996: {with Finlayson, B.} Chinese Walls: avoiding client-contractor conflicts in archaeology in Scotland: a contractor’s perspective. Edinburgh: Historic Scotland. Restricted circulation paper. 7pp.
1996: Review of: Gosden, C., Social Being and Time (Oxford: Blackwell) History , 81, no. 261, 73-74.
1996: Review of: ed. Bianchini, Marie-Claude, Vercingétorix et Alésia. (Paris, Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux, 1994) Britannia, 27, 472-473.
1995: {with Dunwell, A.} ‘Excavations at Inveravon on the Antonine Wall, 1991’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 125*, 521 - 576 + fiche.
1995: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E. and Troadec, J.} Opérations archéologiques ZAC du Hameau de Lazenay 18033 - 489 - 3: Chemin de Gionne. Ville de Bourges, Cher, Région Centre. Document final de synthèse, Sauvetage programmé. Paris: Ecole normale supérieure typescript for Direction régionale des affaires culturelles du Centre de la France. 54pp.
1995: {with Dunwell, A., Armit, I. and Finlayson, B.} ‘The Post-Medieval Farmstead and Field System of Over Newtown at Crookedstone, Elvanfoot, Upper Clydesdale’, Post-Medieval Archaeology, 29, 61 - 75.
1995: {with Armit, I. and Cowie, T. G.} ‘Excavation of pits containing Grooved Ware at Hillend, Clydesdale District, Strathclyde Region’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 124, 1994 (1995), 113 - 127.
1995: ‘Fortifications and defence’, in ed. Green, Miranda, The Celtic World, 59 - 81. London: Routledge.
1995: {with Neighbour, T., Armit, I. and Finlayson, B.} ‘A Roman Temporary Camp at Barnhill, Beattock, Dumfriesshire: Report on an Excavation and Watching Brief, 1991’, Transactions of the Dumfries and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society 3 ser 58, 1994/5, 7 - 12.
1995: {with Finlayson, B.} ‘Another North-South Divide?’, The Field Archaeologist, 23, 11 - 12.
1995: {with Holley, M. W.} ‘Radiocarbon dates for two crannogs on the Isle of Mull, Strathclyde Region, Scotland’, Antiquity 69, 595 - 596.
1995: {with Finlayson, B.} ‘Over the Border’, British Architectural Profile 1995, 29. Macclesfield: McMillan Group.
1995: {with Bewley, R.} ‘Farewell to the Great Walls’, Field Archaeologist 22, 7.
1995: Review of: eds Fitzpatrick, A. P. and Morris, Elaine L. 1994 The Iron Age in Wessex: Recent Work (Salisbury: Trust for Wessex Archaeology for Association Française pour l’Etude de l’Age du Fer) Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 61, 469 - 470.
1994: ‘Fortificazioni celtiche dell'Età del Ferro in Europa’, OCNUS, 2, 159 - 180. Bologna: Editrice CLUEB (= Quadreni della Scuola di Specializzazione in Archeologia, Università degli Studi di Bologna).
1994: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Le Verger au-dessus des Grandes Portes’, in Centre Européen d'Archéologie du Mont Beuvray Rapport Scientifique 1993 (1994), 155 - 167.
1994: {with Alexander, D. and Armit, I.} ‘A post-medieval farmstead complex at Chapel Farm, near Moffat, Dumfries and Galloway’, Transactions of the Dumfries and Galloway Natural History and Antiquarian Society 3 ser, 57, 1992 (1994), 49 - 54.
1994: ‘When popularity means stress’, British Archaeoogical News, NS, 14 (June 1994), 6 - 7.
1994: {with Collis, J. R. and Duval, A.} ‘The Association Française pour l'Etude de l'Age du Fer and its Winchester meeting’, Antiquity, 68, 8.
1994: Review of: ed. Trinder, B., The Blackwell Encyclopaedia of Industrial Archaeology History / Journ Histor Assoc, 79, no 255, 93.
1993: {as co-editor, with R. Thomas} Environmental Assessment and Archaeology = Institute of Field Archaeologists Occasional Paper, 5. Birmingham: Institute of Field Archaeologists. viii + 36 pp.
1993: {as co-editor, with J. R. Hunter} Archaeological Resource Management in the United Kingdom: an introduction. Gloucester: Alan Sutton / Institute of Field Archaeologists, 277 pp. Reprinted 1995. Paperback edition 1997.
1993: {with Boyer, F., Buchsenschutz, O., Csermenyi, V., Duval, A., Gran-Aymerich, J., Gruel, Katherine, Haffner, A., Hernandez, P., Hesnard, Antoinette, Hesse, A., Laszlovsky, J., Paratte, C.-A., Paunier, D., Pernot, M., Richard, H., Szabo, M. and Vitali, D.} ‘Les fouilles du Mont Beuvray, Nièvre - Saone-et-Loire: rapport biennal 1990-91’, Revue archéologique de l'Est et du Centre-Est, 44, fasc 2, 312 - 363.
1993: {with Fairweather, A. D.} ‘The Neolithic timber hall at Balbridie, Grampian Region, Scotland: the building, the date, the plant macrofossils’, Antiquity, 67, 313 - 323.
1993: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Les Grandes Portes’, in Centre Archéologique Européen du Mont Beuvray Rapport Scientifique 1992, 123 - 134.
1993: {with Thomas, R.} ‘Environmental Assessment and Archaeology: an Introduction’, in eds Ralston, I. and Thomas, R. Environmental Assessment and Archaeology, 1 - 8. Birmingham: Institute of Field Archaeologists.
1993: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E., Colin, Anne and Gruel, Kathérine} ‘Approche du Territoire au Second Age du Fer’, in ed. Daubigney, A., Fonctionnement social de l'Age du Fer: opérateurs et hypothèses pour la France, 247 - 258. Lons-le-Saunier: Centre jurassien du Patrimoine.
1993: {with Hunter, J. R. and Hamlin, Ann} ‘The structure of British archaeology’, in eds Hunter, John and Ralston, Ian, Archaeological Resource Management in the UK: an introduction, 30 - 43. Gloucester: Alan Sutton / Institute of Field Archaeologists.
1993: {with Thomas, R.) ‘Introduction’, in eds Ralston, I. and Thomas, R. Environmental Assessment and Archaeology, vii - viii. Birmingham: Institute of Field Archaeologists.
1993: Review of: Cunliffe, B. and Poole, Cynthia 1991 Danebury: an Iron Age Hillfort in Hampshire Vol 4 The Excavations 1977-88: The Site; Vol 5 The Excavations 1979-88: The Finds = Council for British Archaeology Research Report 73; Sharples N. M. 1991 Maiden Castle {English Heritage / Batsford}; Sharples, N. M. 1991 Maiden Castle: Excavation and Field Survey 1985-6, {English Heritage} in Britannia, 24, 330 - 331.
1992: Les enceintes fortifiées du Limousin: les habitats protohistoriques de la France non-mediterranéenne = Documents d'Archéologie française, 36. 188 pp. Paris: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.
1992: ‘Foreword’, in Audouze, Françoise and Büchsenschütz, O. E., Towns, Villages and Countryside of Celtic Europe, 9 - 13. London: Batsford.
1991: {with Almagro-Gorbea, M., Bonenfant, P.-P., Büchsenschütz, O. E., Conche, F., Duval, A., Haffner, A., Gran-Aymerich, J., Guillaumet, J.-P., Lacoste, D., Paunier, D., Paratte, C.-A., Pernot, M., Richard, H., Szabo, M. and Vitali, D.} ‘Les fouilles du Mont Beuvray, Nièvre - Saône-et-Loire: rapport biennal 1988-1989’, Revue archéologique de l'Est et du Centre-Est, 42, fasc 2, 271 - 298.
1991: ‘The Green Debate: what place archaeology?’, The Field Archaeologist, 15, 267 - 269.
1990: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘La Porte du Rebout’, in Base Archéologique du Mont Beuvray, Rapport Scientifique: Activités 1990; Prévisions 1991, 10 - 29.
1990: Contribution in Hedges, R. E. M., Housley, R. A., Bronk, C. R. and van Klinken, G. J., ‘Radiocarbon dates from the Oxford AMS system: Archaeometry datelist 11’, Archaeometry, 32, part 2, 211 - 237. {comment by IBMR on Balbridie, pp. 216 - 217}
1990: ‘Iron Age settlement in temperate Europe’ = Review of Büchsenschütz, O. E., L'évolution du canton de Levroux; Vaginay, M. and Guichard, V., L'habitat gaulois de Feurs, Loire; and Audouze, Françoise and Büchsenschütz, O. E. Villes, villages et campagnes de l'Europe celtique in Antiquity, 64, 161 - 162.
1989: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘La Porte du Rebout’, in Base archéologique du mont Beuvray, Rapport scientifique: Activités 1989; Prévisions 1990. 9 pp + illustrations.
1989: {with Almagro Gorbea, M., Beck, Françoise, Bonenfant, P.-P., Brunet, P., Buchsenschutz, O. E., Duval, A., Gran-Aymerich, J., Gruel, Kathérine, Guillaumet, J.-P., and Richard, H.} ‘Les fouilles du Mont Beuvray: rapport biennal 1986-87’, Revue archéologique de l'Est et du Centre-Est 40, 205 - 229.
1989: Review of: Cunliffe, B. W. Greeks, Romans and Barbarians, London: Batsford. Scottish Archaeological Review 6, 128 - 133.
1988: ‘Central Gaul at the Roman Conquest: conceptions and misconceptions’, Antiquity, 62, 786 - 794.
1988: ‘Department of Archaeology; field projects by present and past members of the Department, 1927 – 87’, = Appendix 2, University of Edinburgh Department of Archaeology 34th Annual Report, 49 - 56.
1988: {Edited} Müller, J. The Chambered Cairns of the Northern and Western Isles: architectural structure, information transfer and locational processes = Univ Edinburgh Department of Archaeology Occasional Paper 16, 92 pp. Edinburgh: University of Edinburgh Department of Archaeology.
1987: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Réflexions sur l'économie de la Gaule d'après César et les données archéologiques’, in eds Bémont, Colette, Delplace, C, Fischer, B., Gruel, K, Peyre, C and Richard, J.-C., Mélanges offerts au Dr J.-B. Colbert de Beaulieu, 163 - 173. Paris: Le Léopard d'Or.
1987: ‘Iron Age to Medieval’, in ed. Omand, D., The Grampian Book, 130 - 139. Golspie: The Northern Times.
1987: ‘Portknockie: promontory forts and Pictish settlement in the North-East’, in ed. Small, A., The Picts: a new look at old problems, 15 - 26. Dundee: University of Dundee.
1987: {with Tidy, Bill} Everything you always wanted to know about archaeological excavations but were afraid to ask. York: Council for British Archaeology leaflet, 8, 6 pp. [also on CBA pages on Internet]
1987: ‘Green Castle, Portknockie, Grampian, Scotland’; ‘Levroux and Mont Beuvray, France’; ‘Reconstructing the Balbridie building’; ‘Vitrified ramparts, the burning question’, in ed. Watkins, T. F., From the Pieces of the Past: an introduction to archaeology, 61, 62 - 63, 88 - 90 and 93 - 95. Edinburgh: Department of Archaeology University of Edinburgh.
1987: Review of: Moffat, B. et al. The First Report on Researches into the Medieval Hospital at Soutra, Lothian Region, Scottish Geographical Magazine, 103, 118.
1987: Review of: Hedges, J. Tomb of the Eagles: a Window on Stone Age Tribal Britain, in Scottish Geographical Magazine 103, 117 - 118.
1986: ‘The Arbroath Antiquary Club's excavations at Castle Rock promontory fort, Auchmithie, Arbroath and St Vigeans, Angus District’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 116, 1986 (1987), 101 - 115.
1986: ‘The Yorkshire Television vitrified wall experiment at East Tullos, City of Aberdeen District’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 116, 1986 (1987), 17 - 40.
1986: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘En relisant la Guerre des Gaules’, Aquitania, Supplementary Series 1, 383 - 387 (= Actes VIII Colloque de l’Association française pour l’Etude des Ages du Fer) Angoulême 1984. Bordeaux: Editions Aquitania.
1986: {with Tidy, Bill} ‘Everything you always wanted to know about archaeological excavations but were afraid to ask’, British Archaeological News, 1, pt 2, 17-18. {subsequently used as a leaflet by the Council for British Archaeology}.
1986: {Edited} Hunter, J. R. Rescue Excavations on the Brough of Birsay 1974-82 = Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph Series 4. Edinburgh. 230 pp + fiche.
1986: Review of: Wuillaume, Martine, Le Berry à l'Age du Fer Ha C - La Tène II précedé du Catalogue des Collections de l'Age du Fer du Musée de Bourges = British Archaeological Reports International Series 247, Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 52, 371.
1986: Review of: Büchsenschütz, O. E., Structures d'Habitats et Fortifications de l'Age du Fer en France Septentrionale = Memoires de la Société préhistique française 18, Antiquity 60, 65 - 66.
1986: Review of: Renfrew, C. ed., The Prehistory of Orkney Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Journal of Historical Geography 11, 319 - 320.
[1986: Field Safety Handbook. 46pp. Department of Archaeology, University of Edinburgh. Adopted, slightly amended, by HBMD, SDD, 1987]
1985: {with Gemmell, A. M. D.} ‘Ice wedge polygons in North-East Scotland: a reply’, Scottish Journal of Geology 21, 109 - 111.
1985: Review of: Collis, J. R., Oppida, earliest towns north of the Alps Sheffield : J R Collis Publications Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society 51, 239 - 240.
1984: {with J. C. Inglis} Foul Hordes: the Picts in the North-East and their background. Aberdeen: Anthropological Museum, University of Aberdeen. 64 pp.
1984: {with Edwards, K. J.} ‘Postglacial hunter-gatherers and vegetational history in Scotland’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 114, 1984 (1985), 15 - 34.
1984: ‘Notes on the archaeology of Kincardine and Deeside District’, The Deeside Field 18, 73 - 83.
1984: ‘Les structures de l'habitat à la Tène III: les structures urbaines et leurs correspondances avec les entités politiques’, in ed. Büchsenschütz, O. E., Recherches sur l'urbanisation au 1er siècle avant JC d'après les nouvelles données archéologiques, 169 – 198. Paris: CNRS, CRA, URA-33.
1984: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Les habitats dans le de Bello Gallico’, in ed. Büchsenschütz, O. E., Recherches sur l'urbanisation au 1er siècle avant JC d'après les nouvelles données archéologiques, 199 - 200. Paris: CNRS, CRA, URA-33.
1984: ‘The later prehistoric settlement record: some considerations’, in eds Cahen-Delhaye, Anne, Duval, A., Leman-Delerive, Germaine and Leman, P., Les Celtes en Belgique et dans le Nord de la France = Revue du Nord, no. 1 (hors série), 147 - 150. Lille: Revue du Nord.
1984: ‘L'art celtique en Gaule’, Antiquity 58, 60.
1984: {with Gemmell, A. M. D.} ‘Some recent discoveries of ice-wedge cast networks in North-East Scotland’, Scottish Journal of Geology 20, 115 - 118.
1984: {Edited} Fairhurst, H. Excavations at Crosskirk Broch, Caithness = Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph Series 3. Edinburgh. 187 pp.
1983: {with Smith, J. S.} ‘High altitude settlement on Ben Griam Beg, Sutherland’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 113, 1983 (1984), 636 - 638.
1983: {with Shepherd, I. A. G.} ‘Archaeological air photography - the classification of the results’, Scottish Archaeological Review 2 pt 1, 53 - 60.
1983: {with Sabine, K. A. and Watt, W. G.} ‘Later prehistoric settlements in North-East Scotland: a preliminary assessment’, in eds Chapman, J. C. and Mytum, H. C., Settlement in North Britain 1000 BC - AD 1000 = British Archaeological Report British Series 118, 149 - 173. Oxford.
1983: ‘Relationships between archaeological sites and geomorphology in the coastal zone of North-East Scotland’, in ed. Ritchie, W., Northeast Scotland: coastal field guide and geographical essays, 111-125. Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen, Department of Geography.
1983: ‘The archaeology of drink’, Journal of Aberdeen University Geographical and Archaeological Society = Orb, 8.1, 27 - 28.
1983: ‘Vitrified walls’, Bulletin of Experimental Archaeology, 4, 10 - 11.
1982: ‘A timber hall at Balbridie Farm and the Neolithic in the North-East’, Aberdeen University Review 168, 238 - 249.
1981: {with Reynolds, N. M.} Balbridie: excavations 1977-80. Edinburgh: Scottish Development Department, Ancient Monuments. Interim report, 26pp.
1981: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Les fortifications des Ages des Métaux’, Archéologia (Dijon) 154, 24 - 36.
1981: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Les fortifications de l'Age du Fer dans le Centre de la France’, Revue archéologique 1981/1, 45 - 66.
1981: ‘The use of timber in hill-fort defences in France’, in ed. Guilbert, G., Hill-fort Studies: essays presented to A. H. A. Hogg, 78 - 103. Leicester: Leicester University Press.
1981: ‘Quelques notes sur l'évolution de l'habitat protohistorique dans le Nord de la Grande-Bretagne’, in ed. Büchsenschütz, O. E., Les structures d'habitat à l'Age du Fer en Europe temperée = Actes du colloque de Châteauroux, 1978, 53 - 60. Paris: Maison des Sciences de l'Homme.
1981: Central Aberdeenshire = Hill-fort Studies Group Excursion Guide, 23 pp. Aberdeen: University of Aberdeen, Department of Geography.
1981: {with Reynolds, N. M.} ‘Final season of excavation at Balbridie’, The Times, 7th August.
1981: {with Shepherd, I. A. G.} ‘Early Grampian’, Popular Archaeology 2:11, 21 - 23.
1981: Review of: Ritchie, J. N. G. and Ritchie, Anna, Scotland: archaeology and early history Popular Archaeology 2: 11, 44 - 45.
1980: {with Edwards, K. J.} ‘New dating and environmental evidence from Burghead fort, Moray’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 109, 1977 - 8 (1980), 202 - 210.
1980: ‘The Green Castle and the promontory forts of North-East Scotland’, Scottish Archaeological Forum 10, 27 - 40.
1980: {with Stevenson, J. B., Shepherd, I. A. G. and Clarke, D. V.} ‘Further notes’, Scottish Archaeological Forum 10, 74 - 79.
1979: {with Edwards, K. J.} ‘Archaeology and environment in Scotland: at the cross-roads?’, Scottish Archaeological Forum 9, 78 - 81.
1979: ‘The Iron Age: northern Britain’, in eds. Megaw, J. V. S. and Simpson, D. D. A., Introduction to British Prehistory, 446 - 499. Leicester: Leicester University Press.
1979: {with Shepherd, I. A. G.} Early Grampian: a guide to the archaeology. 32 pp. Aberdeen: Grampian Regional Council, Department of Physical Planning.
1979: {with Reynolds, N. M.} ‘Britain's Oldest Building? An early timber structure on Deeside’, Scottish Review 14, 17-22.
1979: Various articles under the direction of W. Ritchie on the archaeology and geography of Scotland for Everyman's Encyclopaedia. London: Dent.
1978: {with Shepherd, I. A. G.} ‘Archaeological aerial photography - in general and in Grampian’, Journal of Aberdeen University Geographical and Archaeological Society = Orb, 6.4, 57 - 61.
1978: {with Shepherd, I. A. G.} Scottish archaeology; the state of the nation. 20 pp. Aberdeen: Aberdeen Archaeological Surveys.
1978: {with Clarke, D. V.} Ancient Treasures of Scotland, 48 pp. Exhibition catalogue: Aberdeen: Art Galleries and Museums Department, City of Aberdeen District Council.
1978: {with Reynolds, N. M.} ‘Early Architectural Site’, The Times, 27th May.
1978: {with Shepherd, I. A. G.} ‘Archaeological sites on the coastline between Inverness and Inverbervie’, in Ritchie, W. et al., The Beaches of North-East Scotland, 263 - 267. Aberdeen: Department of Geography, University of Aberdeen for the Countryside Commission for Scotland.
1978: Review of: Hawkes, C. F. C. Pytheas: Europe and the Greek explorers = VIII JNL Myres Memorial Lecture Oxford. Antiquity, 52, 252.
1977: {with Fojut, N.} ‘The Green Castle dig’, Leopard (Aberdeen) 28, 30 - 31.
1977: ‘Hill-forts and hill-fort defences’, Journal of Aberdeen University Geographical and Archaeological Society = Orb, 6.3, 113 - 119.
1976: {with Collis, J. R.} ‘Late la Tène defences’, Germania, 54, 135 - 146.
1976: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Etude sur la période des oppida dans le Centre de la France’, IX Congres de l’Union Internationaledes Sciences Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques, Résumé des communications, 554. Nice.
1976: ‘Estimate of the effort involved in the construction of the Stones of Stenness, Orkney’, = Appendix 10, 52 - 54 in Ritchie, J. N. G., ‘The Stones of Stenness’, Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland 107, 1 - 60.
1976: ‘Distribution maps in Scottish archaeology’, Journal of Aberdeen University Geographical and Archaeological Society = Orb, 6.2, 53 - 57.
1975: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Découverte d'un murus gallicus à Levroux, Indre’, Gallia 33, 27 - 48.
1975: {with Büchsenschütz, O. E.} ‘Late pre-Roman Iron Age forts in Berry’, Antiquity, 49, 8 - 18.
1975: [with Collis, J. R.] ‘Appendix 1: rampart constructions’, in Collis, J. R. Defended Sites of the Late la Tène, 232-233. (Oxford: British Archaeological Reports Supplementary Series 2).
1975: Compte rendu of "Iron Age fortifications in Haut-Berri" [= undergraduate dissertation], Cahiers d'Archéologie et d'Histoire du Berry, 40, 78.
1974: {with Simpson, G. G.} ‘Archaeology in Scotland’, Rescue News 8, 5 - 6.
1974: Review of: Ritchie, J. N. G. and Ritchie, Anna, Edinburgh and South-East Scotland London: Heinemann Transactions of the East Lothian Antiquarian and Field Nauraliststs Society 14, 71 - 77.
2012: {with Neighbour, T.} Dounreay, Highland Region: Assessment of the possible future use of Dounreay Experimental Nuclear Facility as an archaeological site. Musselburgh: CFA Archaeology Report 2166.
2011 (ed.): Ovenden, S. & Neighbour, T. Geophysical survey of Balneaves Cottage, Angus. Musselburgh: CFA Archaeology Report 1861.
2007 {with McKee, K. M. & Dunwell, A. J.} The State of Scotland’s Ancient Monuments: a pre-audit study for Scotland’s Historic Environment Audit. Musselburgh: CFA Archaeology, for Historic Scotland. 168 pp.
2004: (with Dunwell, A. J.) Angus and South Aberdeenshire Field School: The management of cropmark archaeology in the Lunan Valley, Angus. Unpublished report. Musselburgh: CFA Archaeology Ltd Report 904.
2004: (with Dunwell, A. J.) Angus and South Aberdeenshire Field School: Baseline Management Report. Unpublished report. Musselburgh: CFA Archaeology Ltd Report 879.
2004: {with Dunwell, A. J.} Inveravon Landfill, Falkirk – research design for proposed excavation of Inveravon 1 and 2 Roman camps. Musselburgh: CFA Archaeology Ltd (updated and revised).
2003: {with Dunwell, A. J.} Inveravon Landfill, Falkirk – research design for proposed excavation of Inveravon 1 and 2 Roman camps. Musselburgh: CFA Archaeology Ltd.
2003: (with Warren, G & Finlayson, B.) Recovering the East Coast Mesolithic. Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Report to Historic Scotland.
2001: {with Alexander, D. and Hicks, K.} Burghead Headland archaeological interpretation and site works. Musselburgh: CFA Archaeology Ltd Report 636 on behalf of Burghead Headland Trust.
1999: (with Alexander, D. L.) Stoneyhill Landfill, Peterhead - proposed extension. Archaeological Survey for Environmental Assessment. Centre for Field Archaeology report 482, June 1999, for Cordah Ltd, Aberdeen.
1996: {with Smith, J. A. R.} Cairngorms Landscape Assessment: archaeological and historical aspects of the Cairngorms landscape. Submitted to Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership for a Report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
1995: {with Smith, J. A. R.} Cairngorms Landscape Assessment: the cultural associations of the Cairngorms Landscape. Submitted to Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership for a Report to Scottish Natural Heritage.
1995: {with Golombok, Ruth} Sections on Archaeology and Cultural Heritage in: Mott MacDonald Perth Flood Prevention Scheme Environmental Assessment Main Report. Cambridge: Mott MacDonald for Tayside Regional Council.
1995: United Kingdom Nirex Ltd Non-Nuclear Environmental Assessment: Archaeological Assessment of Spoil Disposal Area. Centre for Field Archaeology Report 220. April 1995.
1995: {with Strachan, R. and Finlayson, B.} The Excavation of neolithic and later prehistoric structures, and Early Medieval iron-working evidence, at Blairhall Burn, Amisfield, Dumfries and Galloway Region. Report to Irish Gas.
1995: {with Finlayson, B.} Report on an Ice-House at Kilgraston School. Bridge of Earn, Perth and Kinross District. 13 pp. Commissioned by Miller Hendry Solicitors and Estate Agents, Perth for Kilgraston School. Centre for Field Archaeology Report 197. February 1995.
1994: {with Coles, G. M. and Clarke, C. M.} The use of fungal spores and algal cysts as palaeoenvironmental indicators. 14 pp + 11 illus. Final Report to NERC Science Based Archaeological Committee Grant GR/G07845. June 1994.
1994: The Trossachs Area: Cultural Heritage. 27 pp. Commissioned by Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership for Scottish Natural Heritage. Centre for Field Archaeology Report 188. December 1994.
1994: {with Strachan, R., as editor and contributor} Short Notice Archaeological Survey at Glen Dye, Kincardine and Deeside District. 22 pp + 1:2,500 map. Commissioned by Grampian Regional Council. Centre for Field Archaeology, Report 166. July 1994.
1994: {with Finlayson, B.} United Kingdom Nirex Ltd Rock Characterisation Facility Environmental Statement. Ch 11 Cultural Heritage. Harwell: United Kingdom Nirex Ltd Report 600. 3 vols.
1994: {with Finlayson, B. and Rees, A.} Scotland / Northern Ireland Interconnection: Archaeological Survey, Ayrshire. Commissioned by Scottish Power plc via Turnbull Jeffrey Partnership. Centre for Field Archaeology, Report 165. July 1994.
1993: {with Finlayson, W.} United Kingdom Nirex Ltd Non-Nuclear Environmental Assessment. Service Corridors, Rock Characterisation Facility. 14 pp. Commissioned by PIEDA Ltd / UK Nirex Ltd. Centre for Field Archaeology Report 138. December 1993.
1993: {with Neighbour, T.} Archaeological Excavation of a presumed Ring-Ditch House at Collace, Perth and Kinross District, Tayside Region. 9 pp. Commissioned by Tayside Contracts. Centre for Field Archaeology Report 122. August 1993.
1993: {with many others; as editor and contributor} Shell Chemicals UK Ltd Archaeological Studies along the North Western Ethylene Pipeline. 28 pp. Ellesmere Port: Shell Publications.
1992: {with Gibson, C.} Cairnhall Farm, Kintore, Gordon District, Grampian Region. Field evaluation of archaeological potential on site of proposed gravel quarry. Commissioned by Smith Milligan, Chartered Surveyors, Aberdeen. 15 pp. + 2 figs. Centre for Field Archaeology Report 96. December 1992.
1992: {with Finlayson, B.} Field Inspection of Sellafield Construction Sites. Commissioned by PIEDA plc / UK Nirex Ltd. June 1992.
1992: {with Armit, I.} An Introduction to the Archaeological Results. NWEP Archaeological Studies (Scotland) Phase 2, Series 2, Report no. 1. Commissioned by Shell Chemicals UK Ltd. 9 pp.
1991: {with Finlayson, B.} UK Nirex Ltd Deep Repository Project. Comparative Assessment Report. Commissioned by PIEDA plc. 23pp. Centre for Field Archaeology / Unived Technologies, October 1991.
1991: {with Finlayson, B.} UK Nirex Ltd Deep Repository Project. Sellafield Application Area Preliminary Archaeological Assessment Report. Commissioned by PIEDA plc. 70 pp + map. Centre for Field Archaeology / Unived Technologies, July 1991.
1991: {with Finlayson, B.) UK Nirex Ltd Deep Repository Project. Dounreay Application Area Preliminary Archaeological Assessment Report. Commissioned by PIEDA plc. 102pp + map. Centre for Field Archaeology / Unived Technologies, July 1991.
1991: {with Armit, I.} Bord Gas Eireann Gas Interconnector Project Stage 1 Archaeological Assessment (Scotland) July 1991. Commissioned by RSK Environment Ltd. 64pp + maps. Centre for Field Archaeology / Unived Technologies, July 1991.
1991: {with Coles, G. M.; ed Finlayson, B.} An Assessment of the Likelihood of the Survival of Archaeological Remains at Balmichael Farm, Shiskine, Isle of Arran. Commissioned by Mr Colin Currie, Balmichael Farm via Leisure Estates, Seaford, East Sussex. 57 pp including 8 illustrations. Centre for Field Archaeology / Unived Technologies, May 1991.
1991: {with McKeague, P. and Finlayson, B.; ed Finlayson, B.} Rapid Survey of Archaeological Sites within the Stewartry of Kirkcudbright Environmentally Sensitive Area. Commissioned by SDD/HBM. Centre for Field Archaeology / Unived Technologies. April 1991.
1991: Preliminary Assessment of Archaeological and Potentially Archaeological Features at Monktonhill, Kyle and Carrick, Strathclyde. 18 pp + 7 figs. Commissioned by CWS Properties per Cobham Resource Consultants. Centre for Field Archaeology, Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. January 1991.
1990: {with Armit, I.} The North-Western Ethylene Pipeline Archaeological Studies Scotland: Trial Excavations and Detailed Recording at Coats Hill, Moffat (parcel 387), Dumfries and Galloway. Commissioned by Shell Chemicals UK Ltd. 65 pp., including figures. Centre for Field Archaeology, Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. December 1990.
1990: {with Finlayson, B.} Archaeological Study of Proposed Route. Anglo-Scottish Interconnection Reinforcement. Replacement Overhead Transmission Line Strathaven - Harker. Commissioned by Scottish Power. 203 pp + 1:10,000 maps and 1:2,500 surveyed plans. Centre for Field Archaeology, Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. November 1990.
1990: {with Armit, I.} The North-Western Ethylene Pipeline (Grangemouth - English/Scottish Border) Archaeological Studies Scotland Phase 1b. Report on the Vertical Aerial Photographs. Commissioned by Shell Chemicals UK Ltd. 38 pp. Centre for Field Archaeology, Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. August 1990.
1990: {with Armit, I. and McKeague, P.} The North-Western Ethylene Pipeline (Grangemouth - English/Scottish Border) Archaeological Studies Scotland Phase 1b. Report on the Examination of Documentary Sources. Commissioned by Shell Chemicals UK Ltd. 20 pp. Centre for Field Archaeology, Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. August 1990.
1990: Appraisal of Damage to Archaeological Sites at Ashkirkshiel, Ettrick and Lauderdale District, Borders Region, and Chraad, Kincardine and Deeside District, Grampian Region: a confidential report to the Economic Forestry Group plc. 29 pp + 3 plans. Centre for Field Archaeology, Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. July 1990.
1990: Preliminary Assessment of Archaeological and Potentially-Archaeological Features at New Ingliston. Commissioned by MacGregor Holdings plc / Jackie Stewart OBE via PIEDA Ltd. 13 pp + 3 illustrations. Centre for Field Archaeology, Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. July 1990.
1990: {with Armit, I.} The North-Western Ethylene Pipeline (Grangemouth - English/Scottish Border) Archaeological Studies Scotland Phase 1. Final Report. Commissioned by Shell Chemicals UK Ltd. 224 pp, 52 plans and 74 1:2,500 map sheets. Centre for Field Archaeology, Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. May 1990.
1990: {with Armit, I. and Finlayson, B.} The North-Western Ethylene Pipeline (Grangemouth - English/Scottish Border) Archaeological Studies Scotland Phase 1. Interim Report. Commissioned by Shell Chemicals UK Ltd. 112 pp. Centre for Field Archaeology, Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. April 1990.
1989: {with Mercer, R. J.} The North-Western Ethylene Pipeline (Grangemouth - English/Scottish Border) Preliminary Archaeological Assessment, Phase 1: Supplementary Report on the Extent of Cropmark Sites. Commissioned by Shell UK Exploration and Production, Aberdeen. 15 pp + maps and overlays. Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. August 1989.
1989: {with Mercer, R. J.} The North-Western Ethylene Pipeline (Grangemouth - English/Scottish Border) Preliminary Archaeological Assessment, Phase 1d: Summary Report. Commissioned by Shell UK Exploration and Production, Aberdeen. 59 pp. Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. June 1989.
1989: {with Mercer, R. J.} The North-Western Ethylene Pipeline (Grangemouth - English/Scottish Border) Preliminary Archaeological Assessment, Phase 1c. Commissioned by Shell UK Exploration and Production, Aberdeen. 6 pp. Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. June 1989.
1989: {with Mercer, R. J.} The North-Western Ethylene Pipeline (Grangemouth - English/Scottish Border) Preliminary Archaeological Assessment, Phase 1b. Commissioned by Shell UK Exploration and Production, Aberdeen. 121 pp + series of annotated 1:10,000 maps. Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. December 1988, revised May 1989.
1989: {with Mercer, R. J.} An Assessment of the Archaeological Field Remains, Bellmuir, near Methlick, Gordon District, Grampian Region, Scotland. Commissioned by Scottish Aggregates Ltd / Readimix Concrete 13 pp + 1:1,000 scale map. Department of Archaeology / Unived Technologies. January 1989.
1988: {with Mercer, R. J.} Proposed Ethylene Pipeline Archaeological Assessment, Phase 1a. Commissioned by Shell UK Exploration and Production, Aberdeen. 155 pp + maps. Centre for Environmental Management and Planning, Aberdeen University Research and Industrial Services Ltd. August 1988.
2009: Marathi Ltd: Archaeological Issues – Inveravon, near Grangemouth. (PLI Falkirk, June 2009).
2001: Scottish Executive A78 Trunk Road (Ardrossan etc By-Pass) Precognition: Cultural Heritage. Edinburgh: ERI for the Scottish Office (PLI Ardrossan: November 2001).
1995: Scotia Environmental Services Ltd: Landfill facility at Inveravon, near Grangemouth, Archaeology and Cultural Heritage. (PLI Falkirk, November 1995)
1995: United Kingdom Nirex Ltd: Rock Characterisation Facility in Cumbria. (PLI Cleator Moor, September 1995)
{Editor, Society of Antiquaries of Scotland Monograph Series until 1988}
2014 Comité de lecture / translator 2014 : papers in Barral, P., Guillaumet, J.-P., Roulière-Lambert, M.-J., Saracino, M. and Vitalit, D. (eds) Les Celtes et le Nord de l’Italie. Premier et second Ages du Fer. XXXVI Coll Assoc Franç Age Fer (Verona 2012) = 36 supplément Rev archéol Est. Dijon.
2009 : English-language translations of all abstracts in eds Buchsenschutz, O., Chardenoux, M.-B., Krausz, S. and Vaginay, M. L’âge du Fer dans le boucle de la Loire / Les Gaulois sont dans la ville. (= XXXII Colloque Assoc franç Et Ages Fer (Bourges 2008) ; = Rev archéol Centre Fr Suppl 35).
2004: (as technical advisor on English / archaeology) The Châtillonais Museum. Vic-en-Bigorre: MSM.
2003: {with Megaw, J V S} English-language translations of abstracts of papers in eds Buchsenschutz, O, Bulard, A, Chardenoux, M-B & Ginoux, N Décors, images et signes de l’âge du fer européen = XXVI Coll Assoc Franç Age Fer (Paris & St Denis 2002) = 24 supplément Rev archéol Cent Fr, 273-279. Tours: FERACF.
2002: English-language abstracts of all papers in Méniel, P & Lambot, B eds Repas des vivants et nourriture pour les morts en Gaule, 391-399 = Actes XXV Coll Assoc Fr Et Ages Fer, Charleville-Mézières, 2001 = Mem Soc archéol Champenoise, 16.
1998: ‘Abstract’, in Bonenfant, P-P and Guillaumet, J.-P., La statuaire anthropomorphe du premier Age du Fer. Besançon: Presses universitaires franc-comtoises = Annales littéraires de l'Université de Franche-Comté, 667, 101-104.
1996: ‘Abstract’ and ‘How to use the bibliography’ in Guillaumet, J.-P., Bibracte: bibliographie et plans anciens. Paris: Editions de la Maison des Sciences de l’Homme. = Document d’Archéologie française, 57, 164-166.
1996: English language abstracts of papers in eds Büchsenschütz, O. E. and Richard, H., L’environnement du Mont Beuvray. Glux en Glenne, Nièvre: Collection Bibracte, 1.
1995: Büchsenschütz, O. E. ‘The Celts in France’, in ed. Green, Miranda, The Celtic World, 552 - 580. London: Routledge {also some technical editing on other European chapters}
1994: {technical advisor on some translations to English} Gollot, C. ed.: 1984 - 1994 Centre Archéologique du Mont Beuvray. Glux-en-Glenne: Centre archéologique européen du Mont Beuvray.
1992: (as technical advisor to the Publishers) Audouze, Françoise and Büchsenschütz, O. E. (trans Cleere, H.) Towns, Villages and Countryside of Celtic Europe. London: Batsford and Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
1989: Barandiaran, I. and Cava, A. ‘The Evolution of the Mesolithic in the North-East of the Iberian peninsula’, in ed. Bonsall, J. C., The Mesolithic in Europe. = Papers presented to the IIIrd International Symposium, 572-581. Edinburgh: John Donald.
I have acted as a referee on papers submitted to Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, Antiquity, Archaeological Journal, Britannia, Cambridge Archaeological Journal, Journal of European Archaeology (and its retitled successor), the Journal of Archaeological Science, Medieval Archaeology, Northern Scotland, Studia Celtica and Public Archaeology. I have also reviewed manuscripts and/or book proposals inter alii for CNRS, Paris, Archaeopress, Springer, MacDonald Institute (Cambridge) and Taylor & Francis; and for the Association française pour l’Étude de l’Âge du Fer.